Upcoming Events in NCC - NCC beach and park cleaning (02/11/09)
- 6 Part A cadets
- 2 NCOs - All Part B Cadets (optional)
- Part B IMT Shoot (13/11/09)
- 4 Part B Cadets
- NCC Shooting Competition (17/11/09)
- All Parts IMT passes
- Part B Freestyle Ex-drill Course Breifing (17/11/09)
- 2 Part B Cadets
- NCC Shooting Competiton Finals (18/11/09)
- Cadets & NCOs who advanced from the previous Shooting Competition
- Part B Freestyle Ex-drill course (23/11/09 - 26/11/09)
- 2 Part B Cadets that went for briefing
- NCC Annual Camp (25/11/09 - 26/11/09)
- Whole BM NCC co-hort
- Camp pinacle (30/11/09 - 04/12/09)
Regards, AUSM Firdaus