BM-NCC: With Honour & Glory
  My Army Blog  
[West District]
[With Pride&Dedication]
[A Place We Call Our 2nd-Home]

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>Advisor - CPT Chu
>Commanding Officer - 2LT Mr.Low
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Wong
>Teacher Officer - Full LT Mr.Shah
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Tang
>C/Offr - C/LTA Fazul
>C/Offr - C/Offr Farel
>USM - SSG Wee Loong
>AUSM - SSG Firdaus
>RSM - SSG Ryan
>HOT - 3SG Ivan
>PDS OIC - 1SG Edwin
>Admin - 3SG Ken & SSG Shao Heng
>Log - 3SG Benhardy
>PTI - 3SG Nigel
>Part A PS - SSG Faizal
>Part B PS - SSG Tzhi Hzin
>Part C PS - 3SG Zhi Qian
>Part D PS - SSG James
>Part A APS - 3SG Kenny
>Part B APS - 3SG Jing Guang
>Part C APS - 3SG Kah Liang



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Sergeant Major NCC

RiverValley NCC
Queensway NCC
BM Band

C/LTA Fazul

NCOs '08/09
MSG Tay Jia Xi
MSG Hpone Myat Khine
SSG Ng Zhan Soon
1SG ATKoh Edwin

NCOs '07/08
SSG Francis Calvin Winoto
1SG Bobby Tan Chee Liang

NCOs '06/07
MSG Eddy Tan Tian Xiang
SSG Lin Jian Sheng
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
Click To Download. Ethics & Decorum - NCC
NCC Leadership Competency Module(LCM)


Focusilate Designs
To all whom it may concern, take note of the Organization Chart for BM NCC below. Though the Posts are mentioned in the blog on the left, the chart below gives a clearer picture.

The reason for posting of this is to ensure that there is no jumping the Chain of Command. Note however that this is for NON-URGENT cases. For extremely urgent cases, as this is a school unit, you can seek the help from the C/Offrs or Sirs if need be.

However, for cases like wishing to transfer to another team or simply a matter of needing to go for water break alone (not as a section) or going home, please follow the chain of command and inform your PS accordingly.

After informing your PS and getting his acknowledgement, then inform the higher ranks. This is to ensure that your PS knows your whereabouts as if you went straight to inform the Sirs, though they can overrule the PS, your PS will be unaware of where you went and time may be wasted searching for you when in fact you have already left. Thanks

ASM Hpone

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

To all whom it may concern, below is the RO for this week's training.

Attire: Half-uni

Please take note that all those involved in FREESTYLE DRILL COMPETITION you are not to follow the above RO. Instead the first 2 hours will be spent on drills as the competition is 1 week away and loads more needs to be done.

NB: The RO above is not final and impromptu/sudden changes may need to take place tomorrow. As such, don't stick to rigidly to the RO; we have to adjust accordingly to fit the situation at hand.

ASM Hpone

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

Please take note that if the attire for the week's training is not posted up due to unforseen circumstances, you can never go wrong with bringing the full set (i.e. no. 4 + pt kit). However if the attire is stated, just bring along the stated attire though you can bring no. 4 to change out if you want to wear full u home.

However, take note that if you want to wear no. 4 home, inform the Specialists so that they can ensure that your attire is in order as NCC's reputation has been taking a hit due to cadets going home with bad turn-out or making a fool of themselves. If you wish to change into full-u, go straight home or have a meal if you wish but do not do anything that will draw unneeded attention to yourself.

NB: The attire for this week's training (25/2) is Half-u [tentative]

ASM Hpone

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

To whom it may concern, do take note that below is the Routine Order for this Wednesday's [18/2] training


1430 – 1445 HRS

1445 – 1545 HRS

1545 – 1645 HRS

1645 – 1720 HRS

1730 HRS



Admin Work

Admin work*





2SG Zong Jie

2SG Zong Jie





NCC Room

NCC Room













SSG Ryan

Part Cs





Behind NCC room





















Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

Part Cs

I guess you all have been thinking on about how to stop NCOs or Officers from giving you NCC stress.

These are the criterias I am looking for from u ppl before spec course.

1) Footdrills
2) Basic PDS 19 moves.
3) Command & Control
4) Endurance Training
5) Leadership Camp.
6) At least a participation in Freestyle Comp/ Speech Day PDS performance.

Any Part C who have all these criterias, is eligible for a USM or AUSM interview after spec course.

- C/LTA Fazul

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

Please be reminded that the shoutbox ( the one above the other box ) is only for asking important questions and redundant questions will not be entertained. For those not so important/redundant questions/chat, please use the second box below the shoutmix, but please do register an account or leave your name behind first before posting. Those who do not follow, will be faced with a ban. First time offence will result in a ban from the box itself; following which, the second offence will be a ban from both boxes. And Lastly, the third time offence, off limits from BMNCC Blog and blacklisted under NCOs list. 

Part C'o9 Platoon Sergeant

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

Part Cs take note there will be weekly training every Friday. Just because on that day you guys don't wear No. 4 does not mean that you all can slack around. If you do, you will feel the wrath of SSG Francis and it ain't good. So a word of advice, polish up your standards or it will be worse.

Simply put you give us standard, it will be easier on you all.

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient

This post is intended as a reminder to the cadets/NCOs involved in the following activities. Please take note:

11/2/09 (Wed)

Part 'B' Live Range - Shooting Classification

Participant(s): LCP Darren Lim

Following Specialist: 2SG Ben
*one more needed*

Attire: Number 4

Venue: SAFTI 300m Range 2

Time: 1300 - 1730 hrs
* Do take note that the range is at 1300, thus the people involved should leave earlier. More details will be given in the coming week.
** In addition, please bring along ear-plugs and EZ Link card for verification purposes.

15/2/09 (Sunday)

War Memorial Ceremony - Part C

Participant(s): CPL Shao Heng
CPL Faizal

Following Specialist: *Not required*

Attire: Number 3/4 with beret/headdress
[standardize with each other - if no. 3 ensure badges are properly aligned]

Venue: Civilian War Memorial (Opposite Raffles City Shopping Center, Near Raffles Hotel and Suntec City)

Time: Before 0830 (Reach there by 0800 latest)


0900 - Arrival of Guests and Organization Representatives

0915 - All Guests and Representatives to be seated

0930 - Arrival of Guest-Of-Honor - Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Communication, Information and the Arts

"All Clear" signal sounded by Singapore Civil Defence Force
Honour Guards take Post with Buglers and Bag Pipers
One-minute Silent Prayers by the Inter-Religious Organization
Wreath Laying by representatives from:
(Bag Pipers play the "Lament" throughout)
- Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Singapore Armed Forces Veterans' League
- Religious Organizations
- Uniform Groups
- Schools

All Guests to take three bows
"Last Post" by the Buglers
Observance of one-minute silence
The "Rouse" by the Buglers
Honour Guards to dismount

10:00 am - End of Service

*As this will be a solemn affair please note that the proper decorum and ethics are to be observed. Do consult us on Wednesday's training for ways to conduct yourself properly and the expected behaviour.

Freestyle Comp: Do take note that time is running out - Competition is on 7th March and synchronization by the participants is needed to not disgrace the unit.

SSG Hpone

Stay Vigilant, Be Resilient