[West District]
[With Pride&Dedication]
[A Place We Call Our 2nd-Home]

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>Advisor - CPT Chu
>Commanding Officer - 2LT Mr.Low
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Wong
>Teacher Officer - Full LT Mr.Shah
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Tang
>C/Offr - C/LTA Fazul
>C/Offr - C/Offr Farel
>USM - SSG Wee Loong
>AUSM - SSG Firdaus
>RSM - SSG Ryan
>HOT - 3SG Ivan
>PDS OIC - 1SG Edwin
>Admin - 3SG Ken & SSG Shao Heng
>Log - 3SG Benhardy
>PTI - 3SG Nigel
>Part A PS - SSG Faizal
>Part B PS - SSG Tzhi Hzin
>Part C PS - 3SG Zhi Qian
>Part D PS - SSG James
>Part A APS - 3SG Kenny
>Part B APS - 3SG Jing Guang
>Part C APS - 3SG Kah Liang
*THIS IS FOR BMSS NCOs =======================
Alrite guys, whether u all miss me or not, u ppl will still have to return to your leadership trainer. MEETING on this day,Saturday, at 11am , TiongBahruPlaza, most likely Macs/BK.
This meeting will be about closing of 2008, and opening of 2009. very important of cz..
in addition, 9am- gym workout at Delta Sports Complex,meet at Redhill mrt at 8.45am.
Things-to-bring ------------------ ~towel ~1.50 bucks ~wear pt kit with shoes (standard) ~water
yeap, tts all..!!
I would like to wish BMSS NCC a Merry Xmas..
-C/LTA Fazul
~Upcoming Events~
-CCA Orientation
- Affirmation ceremony 2009 (school compound)
-Speech Day
-NCC Day
-Annual Leadership Camp
-Stepping down of Senior Specs (POP)
*note that PDS performance is particularly expected for ALL events above.
-C/LTA Fazul
Part Bs take note, there is training tomorrow (11/12).
Reporting attire & venue : No. 3 (No. 4 + badges), Outside NCC Room Time: 0800 hours Duration: 0800 - 1200 (latest)
Do try your best to turn up as this training is specially requested for by us to prepare you guys for your spec course.
ASM Hpone
Guys, just a heads up for some information especially to the Part Bs'08 ----- Part Cs'09.
There are going to be some major changes to NCC with effect from next year. There may be more but for the time being a few has been mentioned to us by CPT Elizabeth so it is more or less confirmed. Just bear this in mind, I will brief you all about it at the next training. In the meantime, don't forget your homework.
Cheers, ASM Hpone