[West District]
[With Pride&Dedication]
[A Place We Call Our 2nd-Home]

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>Advisor - CPT Chu
>Commanding Officer - 2LT Mr.Low
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Wong
>Teacher Officer - Full LT Mr.Shah
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Tang
>C/Offr - C/LTA Fazul
>C/Offr - C/Offr Farel
>USM - SSG Wee Loong
>AUSM - SSG Firdaus
>RSM - SSG Ryan
>HOT - 3SG Ivan
>PDS OIC - 1SG Edwin
>Admin - 3SG Ken & SSG Shao Heng
>Log - 3SG Benhardy
>PTI - 3SG Nigel
>Part A PS - SSG Faizal
>Part B PS - SSG Tzhi Hzin
>Part C PS - 3SG Zhi Qian
>Part D PS - SSG James
>Part A APS - 3SG Kenny
>Part B APS - 3SG Jing Guang
>Part C APS - 3SG Kah Liang
apologies for the deletion of the previous post but there have been some major changes to the schedule. So as stated, please wait for the revised edition =)
The Schedule will be out latest by tomorrow night... so wait patiently for it.
Today was the live range for the part c cadets... only 7 person went for the live range... the numbers were quite disappointing... but the other time we went... 4 person already shot, so they didnt have to go... out of that 4 who shot... there were 3 marksman... and today.... out of that 7......................... the marksman emerged....... how many marksman was there again today?? ok got it... there are 4 marksman !!! Hurrays... 4 / 7 ... so now in BM NCC unit there are 7 marksman in total... ok shall end my boring post..
Spec Course Phase2 Mutual Test (Part C's Only)
Footdrill mutuals (1) Sedia (2)Senang diri (3.1) kanan pusing (3.2)kiri pusing (3.3) belakang pusing (4)ke kana lurus (5)cepat jalan
Jia XI (4) Zhan Soon (5) Ryan (3.1) Hpone (5) Kok Woo (1) James (5) Ken (3.2) Ben (4) Edwin (3.3) Douglas (2) Zong Jie (4) Afiq (2) Aaron (1) Seng Jie (1) Chun Kheong (2) Raymond (3.1) Aizat (3.2)
Sequence of Mutual 1)report to instruc. 2)intro 3)welfare 4)purpose 5)demo w/0 explanation 6)demo w explanation 7)testing 8)checking errors 9)questioning techniques 10)end 11)diam squad, report to instruc. (clear cadets' doubts at all times)
done by; C/2LTA Fazul
Please Pass This Message Around For Part C's Only,Thank You. Yours Sincerely,CPL ATKoh
The training schedule will be posted by every Monday night latest, So please do come online to check the schedule by the next training[s] .
Wednesday 16April08' Training Information: Part A - Basic Footdrills Part B - Footdrills Part C - Mutual Test and SOLID Training
Dress Information: ALL - Bring along your full uniforms and a PE/NCC T-shirt.
Time To Report: 1415 [ Full Uniform ]
Scheduled Timing for Trainings: 1430=> Muster Parade [ALL] 1445=> Training Begins
1600 -1645 => PT [ Part As' ][Half Uniform] 1630 - 1700 => PT [ Part Bs' ][Half Uniform] 1600 - 1700 => Training [ Part Cs' ]
Information is correct at time of post. *Edited*
As stated in the title.... the tagboard has been removed for some reasons... but the good news is that the blog is open once again. This blog will be use for posting announcement and information that i / sir / seniors have to pass to all cadets... so please do check this blog at least twice a week... thanks... for the benefit to those who have no access to the computer or the internet... please ask your friends to help u check and pass u the message...