[West District]
[With Pride&Dedication]
[A Place We Call Our 2nd-Home]

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>Advisor - CPT Chu
>Commanding Officer - 2LT Mr.Low
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Wong
>Teacher Officer - Full LT Mr.Shah
>Teacher Officer - 2LT Mr.Tang
>C/Offr - C/LTA Fazul
>C/Offr - C/Offr Farel
>USM - SSG Wee Loong
>AUSM - SSG Firdaus
>RSM - SSG Ryan
>HOT - 3SG Ivan
>PDS OIC - 1SG Edwin
>Admin - 3SG Ken & SSG Shao Heng
>Log - 3SG Benhardy
>PTI - 3SG Nigel
>Part A PS - SSG Faizal
>Part B PS - SSG Tzhi Hzin
>Part C PS - 3SG Zhi Qian
>Part D PS - SSG James
>Part A APS - 3SG Kenny
>Part B APS - 3SG Jing Guang
>Part C APS - 3SG Kah Liang
Hey, just wanted to thank you all for giving it your best in the orienteering competition =) Although we did not get top 3, we all learned and gained some experience from this race. Thanks to Sir Fazul for your training, it really paid off and the NCOs for coming by to support and cheer us. Also thank you to the other members including the reserves =) especially james, for your encouragement and motivation in pushing us on even though we were dead beat. Sorry for stopping and walking in the last leg of the race. But whatever the result, at least we walked home today with a sense of satisfication that we managed to pass our orienteering, scoring full marks for uniform inspection and completing all 6 checkpoints with only 2 wrong and the whole race in under 40 minutes out of the allocated 90 minutes =) Nvm, there is still next year and as zhan soon mentioned, we will not rest till we win the orienteering =) Nxt year, it will be our turn to impart our knowledge and experiences to the Part Bs and inform them, hopefully they will do us proud. Well that's all, thanks once again to everyone who helped us achieve this, and also to Mr Wong for buying food for us and keeping us company =)
To all the people who has been in this blog before,
(yes including the 'anti' guys and even called me a fucker)
Wish you all the best for the EOY.
Don't retain, and Don't drop to normal,
For the express, next year u all sec 3 liao work hard for 'O' Levels.
And for the Normal Aced, Work hard so you guys can go to Sec 5 and take your 'O's
Once again i wish you guys all the luck and hope that you guys do your best at whatever you do.